Random rantings of a senile 30 something who's still a kid at heart. Music,Art, Crafting, Animals. I better get it all down now before I forget tomorrow!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

30 Days of Anime:Day 5 and Kawaii Contest!

Well Hello, and Happy Mother's Day to you all. I myself am a mother to three furkids (two cats and a dog), who leave me nifty "presents" all the time! Unfortunately flowers or chocolates are never one of them. LOL But I know they love me nonetheless :D
Today's anime topic is: Anime character you feel you are most like (or wish you were). I'd really have to pick Meirin/Maylene from Kuroshitsuji on this one, because she is a little bit of both.

In the past she really used to have an exciting life, and was a total badass, but she really came to become unhappy/disturbed with the things she was doing, so when Sebastian asked her to work for Ciel, she seemed eager for the change. In the anime, she really comes across as kind of a blundering imbecile, and Sebastian is fine with telling her so. She lets her nerves get the best of her sometimes, and even though she tries to do her very best, it doesn't always work out in her favor. However, when the house is in danger she is right there to step up and do what needs to be done for her friends. and she is once again the badass that was always inside her all along. ( This is more touched upon in the manga rather than the anime, so most people just see her as comic relief). My husband is like my Agni. ;) Whenever other people try to get me down, he always validates me and makes me feel special. Yay!

So that's just one of the many facets of me. I could probably combine a few characters to make myself up, but Meirin is definitely someone I identify with a lot!

Feel free to share what anime character you feel you are most like. It's a fun way to get to know each other. :D

ALSO..... I wanted to clue you guys in on a little contest going on via Xiwang's Etsy shop blog: http://ilovekawaiiness.blogspot.com


1. A kawaii mystery jar filled with the following: 50 memo sheets, 25 sticker flakes, 2 rolls of small deco tape, 1 pack of lucky star paper, 10 pieces of Asian candy, and 1 sticker sack. For US/Canada only due to shipping costs.
2. A kawaii super grabbie that includes the following: 50 memo sheets, 25 sticker flakes, and 10 letter sets (2 sheets + 1 envelope per set). For everyone else (excludes US/Canada).

So if you love kawaii things, stickers, or stationary and such, go check out her blog and shop!

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