Random rantings of a senile 30 something who's still a kid at heart. Music,Art, Crafting, Animals. I better get it all down now before I forget tomorrow!

Sunday, May 22, 2011

30 days of Anime Day 13

Hi there! Well I finally feel like a productive member of society again! Launched a new blog and Facebook page, as well as listed a couple of new items. As you can see on the right I listed the clutch and a new smaller version of my Neko Chigura inspired pet caves. This one is my smallest one, and great for mice, hamsters, gerbils and such. I found a good use for my cats' mouse toys, as they are only interested in playing with some loose bottlecap that fell on the floor or that scrap piece of yarn that didn't make it to the trash bin. I have this pink theme going on lately. I'm not entirely sure when pink became my favorite color; I'm pretty sure I despised it at one point ( during the dreaded goth stage LOL), but now anytime I'm shopping around on Etsy or in the craft store I'm like, "Oooh, that's a cute shade of pink!" For shame. ;)

Anyways, today's anime topic is to display a Cosplay picture of your ‘waifu’ or Husbando’
I personally am a fan of cosplay. I have tried on a few occasions to make my own costumes and have worn them to Comic Book conventions, but I'm not a great seamstress or anything so I refuse to do it again unless it's really well done. (Looking back some of my cosplays have been absolutely horrid LOL. I totally admit it and I learned my lesson!) Last year I dressed up as Ichigo from the movie Kamikaze Girls which turned out pretty well though. It was pretty much my best one.

I even managed to find those identical red glasses, and I had a long hamaka like skirt and identical shoes. I love her character and the Yankee style of clothing she wears, plus it's a pretty easy look to put together. If I ever do it again though I'm gonna cave and get a costume made.

Anyways, here's what awesome cosplay looks like. I chose Sebastian Michaelis from Kuroshitsuji :

This would be my faux husband because well, I'd never have to worry about cleaning again, I'd be waited on hand and foot, and if anyone ever messed with me, he's a demon. So there. LOL
You can see more awesome Sebastian cosplay at http://fuckyeahsebastianmichaelis.tumblr.com/.

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